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The thermal cure
The thermal cure
Treatment indications

The legitimacy of Avène Thermal Spring Water starts at the Hydrotherapy Center.
From early April to the end of October, Avène offers a hydrotherapy center worthy of its history and dermatological vocation.

The indications of thermal cure in Avène are mainly:
  • Atopic dermatitis in children (from the age of 4-5 months) and adult
  • All forms of eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Scars and burns
  • Ichthyosis
  • Cutaneous and mucous lichen
Other skin conditions may be treated at Avène; treatment is indicated by the prescribing physician.

Program of treatment

There is a medical visit with the center physician before the treatment begins. Daily program, individually prescribed from Monday to Saturday, average length of time, 1:30 minutes.
All the water-based treatments use Avène Thermal Spring Water.

Core treatments

  • Simple baths, whirlpool baths and hydromassage baths (for babies, children and adults). Baths and sprays. “Drinking the waters” is always part of prescribed dermatological treatments.
Complementary treatments
  • Filiform showers, local sprays, scalp showers, thermal water compresses, underwater massages, gingival showers, mouth sprays, mouth baths

Specific treatments
  • Body wraps with emollient cream. Facials with emollient cream. Hydroeliotherapy, combines the benefits of water and UVs.As early as 3 years old, a baby can take part in treatments. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
In addition, the Hydrotherapy Center offers a program of workshops to educate and help patients:
  • Cleansing and hydration
  • Alternatives to scratching
  • Relaxation
  • Medical make-up.
Treatment results
  • Immediate results
During the 3-week treatment, patients undergo dermatological evaluations in order to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. For inflammatory dermatosis, this effectiveness is evaluated very accurately by physicians using specific “scores”. Results show reduced symptoms and improvements in the healing of lesions.
  • Long-term results
The positive results observed are confirmed and last for several months following treatment. The Avène physicians team has therefore established that, in chronic dermatosis cases, the quality of life improved significantly even six months following the end of treatment at the center.
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